Please refer to the examples below to search for assets using specific criteria with the Reach Query Language (RQL). As you read through them, log in and search for assets using these examples to guide your search.
For additional Metadata query guidance, refer to the Querying for Reach Engine Metadata fields section.
ID (Reach Asset ID)
_id = 3663175
Type (Data Object Type)
_type like 'DocumentAssetMaster'
Inventory Key (Asset Type)
inventoryKey like 'document'
inventoryKey = 'document'
Inventory Type Name (Asset Type)
inventoryTypeName like 'document'
inventoryTypeName = 'document'
Asset Type (Asset Type)
assetType like 'Document'
Name (Asset Name)
name like 'DocumentName' ← Full Name of Asset
name like 'umentNa' ← Partial Search against Name of Asset
System Keywords (Combination of Name and Inventory Type Name)
systemKeywords = 'SomeTest.pdf Document'
Date Created (Date of Asset Ingest)
dateCreated gt '2019-01-01'
dateCreated lt '2019-01-01'
dateCreated gte '2019-01-01'
dateCreated lte '2019-01-01'
dateCreated between '2019-01-01' and '2019-04-04'
Date Updated (Date the Asset last had Metadata Updated)
dateUpdated gt '2019-01-01'
dateUpdated lt '2019-01-01'
dateUpdated gte '2019-01-01'
dateUpdated lte '2019-01-01'
dateUpdated between '2019-01-01' and '2019-04-04'
Truncated Flag (Archived Flag)
truncatedFlag = true
truncatedFlag = false
Restore Key (Restore Key Location for the Archived Asset)
restoreKey is null
restoreKey is not null
restoreKey like '/mnt/archive/some/path/to/file.jpg'
Source File Path (Location of the Source File on the File System)
sourceFilePath like '/mezzanines/2019/09/20/01/'
Collection Memberships (Denotes the Assets Association to a Collection by Collection ID)
collectionMemberships = '24901'
collectionMemberships != '24901'
collectionMemberships in ('24901','24902')
collectionMemberships not in ('24901','24902')
UUID (UUID Created during Ingest Process)
uuid = '6c436fa2-8e62-4d3f-aff0-f216804a42db'
Checksum (Calculated Checksum during Ingest Process)
checksum = 3099
Metadata Set ID (Find the Asset Associated to a Metadata Set by ID)
metadata_id = 1000083300
RQL Queries for Document Technical Metadata
File Size (Denotes the File Size of the Source File in Bytes)
fileSize = 7575
fileSize gt 7575
fileSize lt 7575
Proxy File Extension (Denotes the File Type of the Document's Proxy)
ProxyFileExtension like 'jpg'
ProxyFileExtension is null
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